Thursday, May 23, 2013

Throughout my life I have been compelled by my desire to help people, all people. 
 Whether that meant starting an orphanage in Tunisia, volunteering with Operation Smile on missions in Vietnam and Peru, or simply opening my house up to anyone who needs a place to stay, I’ve always felt that I was born to be able provide support for any person that I can help.
 I am feeling this now, at an entirely different level and with a sense of urgency unlike anything I’ve ever seen or experienced before.  For more than 2 years now, violence and civil war has afflicted the country of Syria, the birthplace of both my parents and home to many of my relatives.  Since the violence began, Syria’s neighbors have taken in nearly 1.5 million refugees, fleeing the country.
On June 25th 2013, I will embark on one of the most important journeys of my life.  I will be going to Amman, Jordan, one of Syria’s bordering countries, on an International Medical Mission with Operation Smile where they will provide free, reconstructive surgery for children born with cleft lips, cleft palates and other facial deformities. What is closest to my heart is that we will be making a trip to the Zaatari Refugee Camp, north of Amman, to identify potential Syrian patients and assist in bringing them to the Operation Smile mission where they will be able to receive sorely needed care for their cleft deformities.
 This will be quite a big undertaking, with our ultimate goal being to reach as many Syrian and Jordanian children as possible and provide them with a life-altering surgery for their cleft lips and palates.  We would appreciate any support that you are able to provide which can be done by  by making a contribution to Operation Smile through the 3 Moms for Jordan link:
 With Gratitude,

Monday, May 13, 2013

Mission Dates Set!

It's official!  I'll be traveling to Jordan on behalf of Operation Smile in June.  Not only will I be assisting with the mission fund raising efforts there, but in an awesome turn of events, will be able to help Syrian refugees who have flooded the border and are in such great need of medical attention.  Through my prior involvement with UNICEF, they've offered to step in, enabling us to reach and visit the Syrian refugee camps.  We're hoping to be able to offer medical assistance to some of the children in the camps, many who have been burned,  orphaned, and forever scarred from the tragedy unfolding in Syria.

I'll be sharing my trip through this blog and would love for you to follow me along on my journey of Saving Refugee Smiles :)  Please join the 3 Moms on a Mission in their latest endeavor of helping children.

June 25 - July 1, 2013

Daneia Sanadiki, Krista Jajonie, and Stephanie Argyros