Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Surgery: Day 3 Last Day

July 2:

Today is my last day here at the Jordan mission. I'm headed back to the States with a full heart and the feeling that together with all of you who supported Operation Smile, we have made a difference. Although I'm excited to be headed back to the US, today however the children from Zaatari refugee camp return to the hospital for their surgeries. So this last day stirs a lot of emotions for me, and impresses upon me the need to return soon to continue the work that we have set in motion. I am especially hopeful we can crystalize the collaboration with the medical teams at Zaatari refugee camp, and create something permanent for the thousands of refugees in need.  Of all the missions I have done with Op Smile, this one by far has been the most meaningful and the mission that I've worked tirelessly for, giving it my heart and soul.

Here are some parting photos including some of the children we have been following:

Mohammed: I will never forget those eyes

Mohammed, the beautiful blue-eyed boy from screening day, arrives today for his surgery.  He's in great spirits and played the whole morning with the student volunteers coming from the U.S.  Others from the camp also arrived, particularly patients in need of surgeries related to burns.

Evan, one of our student volunteers from Virginia, playing with Mohammed. Student volunteers were absolutely critical to the success of the mission. We had 2 students from the US and at least 25 from Jordan. Cheers to the student volunteers!!
Play Time

Aisha from Somalia patiently waiting for her brother who was getting cleft palate surgery.

Aisha provided me with a steady stream of colorful art work. I have one in particular I plan on framing at home.

Volunteer Ghalia

A Mother's love is universal

Finally, I will arrive back in the US on July 4th, Independence Day.  A very significant and meaningful day for the country I love. Through my participation in Operation Smile, I have been able to peek behind the curtain of many countries' customs and cultures, the positives and the negatives, the strengths and the shortcomings.  Each time, there was always the evidence of contributions by Americans to help those in need. The grand fireworks celebrations will be even more significant for me this year. I look forward to seeing all my friends and family and planning my next mission. I sincerely hope you all will continue to support Operation Smile and continue to change lives one smile at a time.

Warmest regards,


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